Human Beings 101

Human Beings 101

One of the most important things we can do to empower ourselves and others is to know the basics about being human. Here, we’ll explore some of the most important topics that can help you navigate the world around you on your journey to reaching your own unique highest and fullest potential. 

Universal Purpose of Life

Most human beings have a few questions in common. You might have even considered them yourself.

Where did we come from? What is the purpose or meaning of life?

Scientists, philosophers, researchers and spiritual leaders have all helped to ponder these questions and to provide answers. You may have even come up with answers and conclusions of your own. But until we all know the answers to these questions for certain, human beings will continue to explore the possibilities.

However, there is something that most people now agree on – The purpose of life is for each one of us to reach our own unique highest and fullest potential. And each person has the right to explore and define their own unique dreams, goals and aspirations. Most importantly, you have the right to define what “highest and fullest potential” means to you. 

As you navigate life as a human being and explore what “highest and fullest potential” means to you – it’s important to understand a few basic things about human beings. Understanding these basic concepts can help you explore yourself and the world around you. 

Our Building Blocks

Generally speaking, human beings are made of three (3) basic building blocks. These are most commonly known as the body, mind and soul. Our body is our physical self. It’s made up of molecules, bones, muscles, organs, tissues and other matter all operating together so that we can experience life on Earth. Our mind is our cognitive or thinking self. It allows us to process the experiences we have, and guides our thoughts, actions and behaviors. Our soul, or emotional self, is our ability to feel and sense the world around us. It is our energetic connection to all other human beings and all other living beings in the universe.

As you move throughout life, it’s important to continuously explore and learn about your own body, your mind and mental health, and your own spiritual or emotional well-being. Understanding your whole self allows you to know who you are, and to truly thrive.

Our Basic Human Needs

As human beings, each of us have basic human needs. If our basic needs are not met, we may experience challenges that impact our physical health, our mental health and our spiritual or emotional wellbeing. (Credits: The following outline is built upon Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Whole Person Centered Optimal Health and Wellness Model. It has been adapted to this learning format with the latest knowledge in human development.) 

Survival Needs

Human beings have eight (8) basic survival needs that are necessary to be alive. We need: 

  • sense of hope and opportunity. This is what gives us the will to persevere through challenges and adversity.
  • Clean, breathable air.
  • Stable, secure housing that includes basic protection from the environment and other dangers. This includes having appropriate heating, air conditioning, food preparation and storage space (like a refrigerator, freezer and stove), as well as running water for cooking and cleaning, and restroom facilities for going to the bathroom and bathing. Importantly, safe, secure and hygienic facilities also include access to appropriate hygienic supplies – such toilet paper, soap, tampons, sanitary napkins, etc. – and hot water.
  • Clean, drinkable water.
  • Healthy and adequate food and nutrition.
  • The right amount of sleep in a stable, safe, comfortable environment that allows for physical, mental and emotional rejuvenation. 
  • Stimulating physical, mental and emotional activity (such as playing sports, reading, writing poetry or working on hobbies).
  • Access to available medical and mental health resources, technologies, and services that treat and prevent injury or illness.

A Sense of Self, Environmental and Relational Needs

While our survival needs are necessary to be physically alive, we also have needs related our sense of self, our environment and surroundings, and our relationship with others. Having these needs met allow us to fully develop who we are as a whole person and to reach our own unique highest and fullest potential. In fact, when these needs aren’t met, we may experience delays in physical, mental and emotional development, as well physical, mental and emotional trauma. These needs include:

  • A sense of physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and financial safety and security.
  • A sense of justice and fairness in the rules and systems in which we engage.
  • A set of personal boundaries or guiding principles that allow us to explore the world without causing harm to ourself or others.
  • Understanding and exploring our own abilities and capacities, beliefs, cultural traditions, and things that we enjoy.
  • Gratification and entertainment. Human beings are meant to experience joy and happiness. 
  • The ability to stand up for and defend ourself in ways that cause no harm or the least amount of harm to others.
  • Access to new and complete information, opportunities, education and experiences.
  • Access to transportation and mobility options (including wheelchairs, bicycles and sidewalks) that allow us to connect with resources, opportunities, communities and activities both far and near.
  • The ability to contribute our own experiences, knowledge, skills and talents to the community in ways that are meaningful to ourselves. Examples include working, participating in school activities, volunteering, raising a family, playing a sport, creating art for others to enjoy, or facilitating an online chat forum.
  • The ability to give and receive consenting affection (positive, non-sexual touch) to ourself and others, such as through hugs, pats on the back, holding hands, or even petting or holding an animal like a dog or cat. 
  • The ability to give and receive positive affirmation and words of encouragement for ourself and others.
  • The opportunity to connect and engage with the community, form relationships with others, and to feel like a part of a community or something larger than ourself.

Getting Our Basic Needs Met

Each of us has an inherent right to get our basic needs met. And how we go about that is completely up to us. We might learn to build things on our own, grow our own food, or even start our own business. In addition, we often also get our basic needs met by forming healthy relationships with others and cooperating to meet common goals. For example, we might form friendships and intimate relationships to share words of encouragement and affection. Or, we might go to work to earn a paycheck, and then pay for housing, food, and clothes – also known as cooperative exchange. As long as we’re respecting the rights of others, how we choose to get our basic needs met is completely up to us. 

Our Basic Human Rights

As a human being, you and all other people have five (5) universal, inalienable human rights. These rights are ours simply because we exist. They are not granted by the government or anyone else. This means these rights cannot ever be taken away from us – even if other people tell us they can take them away. In fact, if our human rights are violated, it can cause long-term and severe mental, emotional and physical pain – even if we don’t notice it at first. So, it’s important to always remember to claim them as our own – even when it seems hard to do.

Dignity and Worth

As a human being, you have inherent dignity and worth regardless of how you see yourself or how others see you. Even if you make a mistake, you have the right to be treated with basic dignity and respect.

Bodily Autonomy

You have complete ownership of your body, mind and soul. No one has the right to make decisions about your body, mind or soul without your explicit consent. Explicit consent means you agree to something without coercion, manipulation, exploitation, threats of violence or threats to withhold basic needs such as food, water, housing, employment, or access to public accommodations. 

Right to Life

From the moment of birth, we have the right to exist. No one has the right to end our life. Not even the government.

Right to Liberty

You are a free and autonomous person with the right to liberty and freedom. This means you have the right to experience life, grow, learn and contribute to the world around you in ways that are meaningful to you. As long as you’re not harming someone else or violating anyone else’s human rights, you have the right to do as you please.

Right to the Pursuit of Happiness

You have the right to the “pursuit of happiness.” This means you have the right to explore, identify and do what brings you joy, peace, and happiness. This also includes the right to take well-informed risks and engage in things other people might not agree with. This is your life

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The United Nations (UN) is a global body fully formed after World War II in hopes of preventing future global wars. Each country is able to agree to international treaties developed by the United Nations. However, the UN has written down a wide variety of human rights that they believe should be afforded to ALL human beings. Reviewing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an important part of learning about your rights from a global perspective.

Civil Rights

In addition to our inalienable human rights, we also have civil rights. The purpose of civil rights is to make sure we have the ability to participate freely and equally in our community without discrimination. Civil rights laws in the United States of America are designed to protect us from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. Specifically, this means:

  • You have the right to secure employment based solely on your qualifications and experience. 
  • You have the right to obtain for yourself and/or your family adequate housing of your choice in the open market based solely on your ability to pay.
  • You have the right to shop at stores, eat at restaurants, stay at hotels and participate in community events and activities that are open to the public – otherwise known as public accommodations.

It’s important to remember you always have the right to participate fully in your community – no matter who you are. In fact, Americans have been working towards enhancing and expanding the protections of civil rights laws since the founding of our country. For further studies, you may wish to research the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991. 

United States Constitutional Rights

In the United States, we also have Constitutional Rights that are designed to protect our inalienable human rights and civil rights from government intrusion. These were first outlined in the Bill of Rights. However, several amendments have been made to the U.S. Constitution to further guarantee and protect our freedoms and liberties. In the United States, the U.S. Supreme Court is responsible for making sure laws do not violate the United States Constitution. When the Supreme Court makes a ruling on an issue, they issue an opinion which can be considered a court-affirmed right. Below are some of our most important rights that were included in the Bill of Rights, or have been articulated through constitutional amendments, and by Supreme Court affirmation.

  • You have a right to practice or believe in the religion of your choice, or to have no religious practices or beliefs at all. Your religious or spiritual beliefs are your own. You also have the right to be protected from other people’s religious beliefs infringing on your own human rights, freedoms, beliefs, civil rights or basic needs.
  • You have a right to free speech. You may say things and express yourself without fear of government retaliation, as long as your speech is not a credible threat or call to action to harm someone else. However, you should be aware other people who are not in the government may still take offense to what you say. While you have the freedom to say what you wish, you may also wish to choose your words wisely in a public setting. You are still responsible for what you say.
  • You have the right to protest the government, and demand reforms, particularly if your inalienable human rights have been violated.
  • You have a right to own a gun for the purpose of self-defense, hunting for food, to participate in various sporting activities, or to participate in a government sanctioned militia. It’s important to remember that you and all other people also have the right to be free from gun violence and intimidation. It is never okay to use a gun to threaten or commit violence against other people. If you choose to own a gun, training related to safe handling, safe-keeping, and monitoring your own mental health is important to ensure you do not harm yourself or others. 
  • You have a right to privacy from the government. Neither the government nor the police have the right to search your home, papers, email, computers, vehicles, phones or any of your personal property, unless they have a warrant that was issued by a judge and that specifically describes the place to be searched and the specific things to be seized. Even if a warrant is issued, you have the right to be protected from “unreasonable searches and seizures”. You also have the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times, and cannot be considered guilty of a crime unless you have been convicted by jury. 
  • If accused of a crime, you have several important rights:
    • You have the right to remain silent and can never be compelled to be a witness against yourself.
    • You have the right to due process of law which means that all proper steps must be taken by the government in all criminal proceedings.
    • You have the right to a speedy and public trial, and to have your case heard in front of an impartial jury.
    • You have the right to face your accuser.
    • You have a right to defense counsel and to call witnesses in your favor. 
    • You have a right to be protected from excessive bail, excessive fines, and all forms of cruel or unusual punishment. 
  • You have a right to be treated equally and fairly under the law. 
  • You have a right to vote at the age of 18.
  • You have a right to privacy in your general affairs, and how you live your life, particularly when it does not cause harm to others.
  • You have reproductive rights and the right to make your own decisions for your body.
  • You have the right to marry a consenting partner of your choice.

Your inalienable and individual rights are also protected by the 9th Amendment. This amendment was included to further prevent the government from interfering in the personal lives and affairs of the American people. The 9th Amendment states, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” It’s important to remember the U.S. Constitution assumes that all of our rights are already inherent to us as individuals. The Constitution was not designed to grant rights to us – It was designed to protect our already existing individual and human rights from the government and to only grant certain limited rights to the government to act on our behalf when appropriate. In fact, all rights not given to the government specifically in the Constitution are reserved to us as individuals. 

When people misunderstand the Constitution, they may say things like, “I don’t see a right to (__________) in the Constitution”. In fact, that statement is exactly why the 9th Amendment was put into place. 

“The amendment was introduced during the drafting of the Bill of Rights when some of the American Founders became concerned that future generations might argue that, because a certain right was not listed in the Bill of Rights, it did not exist.” – Wikipedia 

Protecting the Constitution

Many people from all walks of life have fought hard to ensure our constitutional rights are upheld and guaranteed to all people in the United States. In fact, some might even be your ancestors. You may even be called to defend these rights for yourself and others, too. Remember, amendments to the U.S. Constitution should always be designed to expand and protect all of our rights – never to take them away or limit them in any fashion. 

Our Responsibilities to One Another

As human beings we each have inalienable rights and basic human needs. In the simplest terms, you are free to do as you wish for yourself and to get your basic needs met as you see fit. But we also live in a world with other human beings who have the exact same rights and needs as we do. So, we also have a responsibility to be considerate of and acknowledge the rights of others while exercising our own. Here are our top five (5) responsibilities that go along with our freedoms and rights.

Dignity and Respect Towards Others

We are responsible for treating all people with basic dignity, worth and respect. Sometimes this is referred to as the “Golden Rule,” which is to “treat others as you would like to be treated.” Even when we disagree or are upset with someone, it’s important to do so with basic dignity and respect for ourselves and the other person. 

No Harm to Others

Exercising our own rights and how we go about getting our basic needs met should not cause physical, mental or emotional harm to others. We are responsible for considering how our actions might impact ourselves and others, as well as our shared environment. For example, stealing, lying, cheating, hurting people and/or polluting the air and water can cause undue harm to ourselves and others. 

Respect For Bodily Autonomy

Our decisions and actions cannot assume ownership or control over another person’s body, mind or soul. While it’s certainly okay to encourage others to see things our way, it’s never okay to do so with threats or acts of violence, manipulation, exploitation, lying, coercion, or restriction of basic human rights or needs.

Contributing to the World Around Us

We each have a responsibility to use our time, talents, skills or special gifts to contribute to the world around us in a way that is meaningful to us and/or helps us to meet our basic needs. For many people, this might be working, volunteering, creating music or art, or doing something that brings joy and has a positive impact.


Finally, each of us has a responsibility to stand up for our own inalienable rights and ensure our own basic needs are being met. Whenever possible, we also have a responsibility to help ensure all other people have access to their basic human needs, too. And even though it can be hard sometimes, it’s important for us to stand up for the rights of others, even if we don’t agree with what they do with their rights.


When we have our basic human needs met and are secure in our human, civil and constitutional rights, we tend to be happier, healthier, and able to thrive. When we’re thriving, we’re also more likely to be able to face and overcome obstacles and challenges that may come our way, and truly reach our own unique highest and fullest potential. Below are some of the most important signs that we’re truly thriving.

  • We can express our own self-worth, dignity and self-respect regardless of the view of others.
  • We fully understand and assert the autonomy of our own body, mind and soul.
  • We understand and continue to learn about the physical, cognitive and spiritual or emotional aspects of ourselves.
  • We feel secure in our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
  • Our basic needs are fully met, and we have the ability to achieve more if desired.
  • We’re able to form and engage in mutually cooperative relationships.
  • We have the ability to seek out our own truths and to question and affirm our own beliefs.
  • We have the ability to make mistakes and to learn from them without condemnation of ourselves. We also recognize our ability to be right and wrong sometimes.
  • We explore and express ourselves, and continue to learn and seek out new experiences.
  • We understand and respect our own boundaries and the boundaries of others.
  • We practice discernment instead of condemnation. 
  • We have integrity, meaning our statements, thoughts, beliefs, actions and behaviors are in alignment with one another.
  • We have the ability to provide self-affirmation and affection.
  • We can differentiate between and express our feelings and our thoughts.
  • We generally have a positive sense of ourself and of others.
  • We know how to identify and reject oppression.


When we don’t feel secure in our human rights or our ability to get our basic needs met, we can experience a great deal of pain, anxiety, fear and depression. We may become withdrawn from friends and family, or even act out in certain ways that can be harmful to ourselves or others. We can also find ourselves in “survival mode”, where we’re acting out of defense and desperation. But most importantly, we tend not to thrive. Merely surviving does not allow us to meet our own unique highest and fullest potential. So, it’s important to know about our basic needs and our basic human rights. It’s also important for us to take positive action when our needs are not being met, or our rights are not being honored.

Getting Help

Many people have experienced hardships throughout their lives. There is never any shame in seeking help. If you or someone you know is struggling to get their basic needs met, the United States has a national referral service that can link you or a friend or loved one with local, state and national resources. This can include health services, social services, domestic violence resources, abuse reporting, housing support, job searches, financial aid, food services, mental health care, and other important community services. Just dial 2-1-1 from anywhere in the nation to get connected to resources in your local area. Remember, you and all other people are worthy of getting their basic human needs met.

If you ever feel your human rights, civil rights or constitutional rights have been violated, you can also seek help. Connecting with your local, state or federal civil rights office – or finding an advocacy group dedicated to your cause – is often your first step. In some cases, you may also wish to seek help from an attorney. Remember, your rights are yours and they are worth fighting for.


Knowing your basic needs and human rights can help you thrive! You can answer these questions in your head, say them out loud, or type them in. If desired, you can also print your answers, and/or enter your email address to have them sent to you for future reference. 



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