Course Introduction & Main Menu

Welcome to the Human First Lens

The Human First Lens is designed to empower all people the reach their own unique highest and fullest potential by learning about their own human rights and basic human needs, as well as how to identify, alleviate, and overcome oppression that might come their way.

Who is the Human First Lens for?

The Human First Lens is for everyone who wants to learn more about themselves and others, and who want to intentionally reduce barriers to accessibility, inclusion and diversity such as racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, and political and religious discrimination. It’s also envisioned for use by:

  • Employers and employees of all types, including at large corporations, small businesses and nonprofit organizations;
  • Public workers, including police officers, social workers, healthcare and mental health professionals, public transportation providers, and government employees;
  • K-12 students (generally 8th grade and up);
  • Parents, teachers and college professors;
  • Social change advocates; and
  • Elected officials

What Sets The Human First Lens Apart?

Trauma-Informed, Empowerment Based, Evolutionary Content

The Human First Lens recognizes all people can learn and grow. It’s designed to be presented in a safe learning environment without judgement, fear or blame. In addition, participants are encouraged to offer and share their own lived experiences to improve the Human First Lens for future learners and participants if desired. 

Transparency and Self-Determination

Participants are encouraged to do additional research and learn about and compare other points of view (if desired). Parents, colleagues, family, friends and co-workers can also see the entire content and provide input and guidance as needed. Employers, nonprofit boards and small business leaders also have complete access to the content. There are no surprises or hidden agendas.

Mission and Vision Focused

As a project of All People Thriving, The Human First Len’s mission is to empower all people in the United States of America to define and reach their own unique highest and fullest potential – and to see and view others in a way that allows them to define and reach their own unique highest and fullest potential, too. Ultimately, All People Thriving envisions a world where people thrive, and oppression – like racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, and political and religious discrimination – no longer exists.

Key Learning Objectives

The Human First Lens includes more than 14 topics and exercises that are designed to help learners:

  • Identify their own basic human rights and basic human needs;
  • Identify and understand the cycle of oppression;
  • Understand key concepts in human relationships;
  • Understand the basic concepts of the Spectrum-Based View of Human Diversity;
  • Identify, interrupt and reject oppression involving human diversity, including racism, sexism, homophobia, religious oppression, political oppression, ageism, ableism, classism, immigration-based oppression, good guy versus bad guy lenses and general “othering”; and
  • Become more empowered by exploring and identifying their own viewpoints and experiences.

Anticipated Outcomes

Human beings who understand their own basic rights and basic needs – as well as the spectrum-based view of human diversity – are more likely to experience thriving personally, as well as in their relationships, schools, workplaces and communities. When people are thriving, they are also more likely to reject oppression and overcome obstacles – like racism, sexism, ableism and homophobia – that might come their way. Prolonged and broad-based use of the Human First Lens is likely to result in:

  • Increase in people who feel they are truly thriving and able to reach their own unique highest and fullest potential;
  • Increase in people reporting they have and are experiencing healthy relationships;
  • Increase in people feeling empowered to identify, reject and overcome internalized, interpersonal and systemic oppression;
  • Eradication of diversity-based oppression at the interpersonal, internal and systemic levels;
  • Reduction in crime and community conflicts;
  • Reduction in mental health challenges associated with external and social factors;
  • Overall reduction of oppressive policies, systems and laws; and
  • Increased ability to achieve 100% of people reporting they feel their communities and workplaces celebrate diversity, and are accessible and inclusive of all people.

How It Works

The Human First Lens provides information and tools to empower you to reach your own unique highest and fullest potential, and to truly thrive! The Human First Lens is presented is presented in four (4) modules:

  • I, Human;
  • Interrupting & Eradicating Isms;
  • I Am Me – Label Free; and
  • the Human First Lens Knowledge Check In

Most topics include an Explore Section where you can learn more about defining yourself. It’s generally recommended to view the modules and topics in the order above, though you are free to explore and revisit topics at any time. Use the navigation menus on the bottom of each page to move to the next module, or return to the main menu. Once you’ve covered all of the topics, the Human First Lens Knowledge Check In allows you to test your baseline knowledge and receive a Certificate of Completion. Feedback surveys are included at the end of each topic. Participation in these surveys is completely optional.

A Safe Space for Learning

The Human First Lens is generally intended for people who have reached the 8th grade or above, or who have parental or teacher guidance. If you are exploring the Human First Lens on your own, please remember: 

You are not alone.

Some people may have an emotional response to some of the information presented here. If you feel overwhelmed or need help processing, please speak with a friend, family member, counselor, teacher or mental health professional right away. If you have a mental or emotional health crisis, please dial 988. If you have a mental, emotional or physical health emergency, please dial 911. 

This is a judgement-free zone.

You are encouraged to explore and challenge your own thoughts as well as the information presented here. Your conclusions and private thoughts are your own. You are also encouraged to question information and do your own research. If you would like to learn more about a topic, or view things from another perspective, you are welcome to do so.

There is no time limit.

Some topics may take longer than others to process and explore. You are encouraged to move along at your own speed and you can take a break at anytime. Many people find that they revisit topics at a later date. You are welcome to come back and visit at any time.


The Human First Lens is available to individual learners free of charge. Participants can demonstrate their mastery of the Human First Lens and receive a Certificate of Completion for just $25.00. Schools, colleges, businesses and organizations can incorporate the Human First Lens Knowledge Check In into their own onboarding, training or curriculum. View our teaching guidelines here. Please contact us here to learn about our current bulk rate specials. 

Let’s Get Started!

Developer Credits

The Human First Lens was developed and created using the Integrity Model & Theory of Oppression

Principal Author: Ryan Acker


Special Thanks

All People Thriving also recognizes Sarah Landis, Theresa Johnson, review partners, and anonymous survey respondents who have contributed to the development and improvement of the Human First Lens. 

Copyright: Use of Materials

All materials that may appear here are copyright All People Thriving (unless otherwise stated), and are free for use in publications, applications and your own implementation as long as credit is provided appropriately and used within the recommended Teaching Guidelines (if applicable). This is because All People Thriving believes in continued expansion of knowledge and has a true desire to help make lasting, positive change for humanity. However, materials may not be used to disparage, harm, bully or “call out” others, or to justify discrimination, exclusion, or deny for individuals their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 


Disclaimer: Rights to Edits, Errors and Omissions

All People Thriving welcomes new information and reserves the right to edit or change materials. This is because while All People Thriving strives as much as possible to be diligent and complete in its research and theoretical perspectives, All People Thriving can: A) Learn new things; B) Be wrong; and C) Have typos. While All People Thriving strives to prevent the latter two, All People Thriving certainly hopes for the former. Further, the Human First Lens intentionally includes surveys as part of its process to allow for input and improvements. Additions are likely to be included. 



The Human First Lens is designed for educational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be used to replace professionally licensed mental health care, medical care, legal advice or financial advice.