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Course Introduction & Main Menu

Welcome to Organizing With Integrity!

Human beings can fully thrive when the businesses, organizations, agencies and governments they interact with are thriving, too. If you’re ready to start your own small business, program or nonprofit organization – or just want to learn organization best practices for your role as a volunteer, board member, donor, employee or CEO – you’ve come to the right place! Organizing With Integrity is a self-guided education/training program from All People Thriving. It’s designed to empower organization and business leaders, team members, and stakeholders with tools and information to build institutions that achieve their missions while promoting empowerment, celebrating diversity, and ensuring accessibility and inclusion for all people involved. In short, Organizing With Integrity is designed to help people create happy, healthy, thriving institutions where all people thrive! 


Who Is It For?

Organizing With Integrity is for everyone who wants to learn more about building happy and healthy businesses and organizations. It’s also envisioned for use by:

  • Entrepreneurs and founders starting small businesses, new programs, or nonprofits;
  • Government and agency leaders; 
  • Nonprofit board members and LLC partners;
  • CEOs, Executive Directors, Board Presidents and other key organization leaders;
  • Team members;
  • Donors, staff and volunteers; and
  • Consultants and funders.

What Sets All People Thriving’s Organizing With Integrity Training Apart?

Ingredients for Success!

We recognize the key ingredients for success include:

  • Institutional Integrity; 
  • Leadership & Management; 
  • Diversity, Accessibility & Inclusion; and
  • Human-Centered Workplace Policies. 

When it comes to Institutional Integrity, we know that businesses and organizations achieve success when they know about, understand, and have all the right pieces in place! With Organizing With Integrity, we help entrepreneurs, businesses and organizations achieve institutional integrity by putting these pieces together and presenting them in their Operations Manual/Business Plan and Dash-Based Website – two of the key and core components necessary for success and effective leadership and management. 


Integrity Check

We recognize that nearly all problems in businesses and organizations are related to missing or misaligned organization components. Our Integrity Check can be used to help organizations get started – or get back on – the right track! Each module contains an Integrity Check and Knowledge Check In, or you can view it here to complete an organization self-assessment before getting started


Mission and Vision Focused

As a program of All People Thriving, Organizing With Integrity’s mission is to empower entrepreneurs, businesses and organizations to define and reach their own unique highest and fullest potential – and to create working environments where all people involved are empowered, happy, successful and thriving, too! Ultimately, we envision a world where people go to work or become a part of businesses and organizations  – not because they have to – but because they want to!


Key Learning Objectives & Outcomes

Businesses and organizations with all of their pieces in place and operating in complete alignment are able to achieve integrity – Businesses and organizations with integrity are able to thrive! Thriving organizations tend to have higher success in meeting their mission, greater customer and employee satisfaction, and low rates of turnover. Conversely, organizations with missing or misaligned pieces tend to experience a great deal of inner conflict, high turnover rates, and eventually can even close down. Organizing with Integrity empowers organization leaders, team members, customers and other stakeholders with tools and information to build happy, healthy organizations where all people thrive! Participants can expect to be able to:

  • Define key components of businesses, nonprofits, agencies and organizations; 
  • Understand and identify where challenges exist and how to correct them by ensuring all of the right pieces are in place and in alignment; 
  • Become an integral part of creating happy, healthy thriving businesses and organizations that meet their missions and encourage all people to thrive; and
  • Have a baseline knowledge to equip them to become an excellent entrepreneur, CEO, Executive Director, board member, LLC partner, or other type of leader within their organization. 

How It Works

Organizing With Integrity covers six (6) key topics designed to empower learners to build, create or rebuild healthy, thriving organizations, including:

  • Understanding Businesses & Organizations 101;
  • Foundations of Institutions;
  • Governance & Leadership;
  • Operations & Administration;
  • Programs, Products & Services; and 
  • Bringing the Organization to Life.

It’s generally recommended to view the topics in that order, though learners are free to explore and revisit topics at any time. Use the navigations on each page to move to the next topic or go to the main menu. Each topic includes a Build & Create Section with templates and tools for building or reviewing your own business or organization, including an Integrity Check and basic knowledge review. Many of these tools and templates are also available in the Tool Box. In addition, learners can test their skills and build their resumes by completing the Knowledge Check In and receiving their Certificate of Completion online. Please note: Documents in the Tool Box are intended to allow for your personal editing, and may not appear as intended when viewed on a phone or smaller devices. 



Organizing With Integrity is available to individual learners free of charge. Participants can celebrate and demonstrate their mastery of Organizing With Integrity and build their portfolio by completing the Knowledge Check In and receiving their Certificate of Completion at the end of the course. The Certificate Processing fee for this course is $25.00. Incorporate Organizing With Integrity into your own curriculum with discounted rates for Certificates of Completion. Consultants, funders and others who support nonprofit and business development can incorporate Organizing With Integrity into their own training and curriculum after receiving their Certificate of Completion, and can provide their students/clients with bulk rate pricing. Perfect for business classes, grant-makers, schools, colleges, large nonprofit and corporate employers, membership associations, government agencies and more. Please contact us here to learn about our current bulk rate specials. 


Let’s Get Started!

Copyright & Use of Materials

All People Thriving is a platform for research, education, consulting and advocacy dedicated to empowering all people to reach their own unique highest and fullest potential. Our mission is to empower all people in the United States of America to fully thrive by utilizing the Integrity Model and Human/Person-First Lens to conduct research and analysis; providing trauma-informed, empowerment-based education and training; offering consulting services for businesses, groups, nonprofits and government agencies based on organization best practices from a variety of industries and fields; and developing, promoting and advocating for human centered policies and systems. We believe promoting individual empowerment, institutional integrity, and human centered policies, systems and laws leads to a world where all people are truly thriving. All materials that may appear here are copyright All People Thriving (unless otherwise stated), and are free for use in publications, applications and your own implementation as long as credit is provided appropriately. This is because All People Thriving believes in continued expansion of knowledge and has a true desire to help make lasting, positive change for humanity. However, materials may not be used to disparage, harm, bully or “call out” others, or to justify discrimination, exclusion, or deny for individuals their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

Disclaimer: Rights to Edits, Errors and Omissions

All People Thriving welcomes new information and reserves the right to edit or change materials. This is because while All People Thriving strives as much as possible to be diligent and complete in its research and theoretical perspectives, All People Thriving can: A) Learn new things; B) Be wrong; and C) Have typos. While All People Thriving strives to prevent the latter two, All People Thriving certainly hopes for the former. We provide a feedback survey for learners who receive their Certificate of Completion so that we can continuously ensure our training program meets the needs of learners. 


APT is dedicated to due diligence in all its endeavors, however, independent consulting services should never be construed to replace professionally licensed legal, medical or financial advice. Organizing With Integrity is designed for educational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be used to replace professionally licensed mental health care, medical care, legal advice or financial advice.